41th Transcavallo Regulation - 2024


A.s.d Transcavallo Committee and A.d. Dolomiti Ski-Alp Club will organize on the 16-17-18 February 2024 the 41st edition of the "TRANSCAVALLO" in 2-day stages and the 4th "Classic Individual Race”. These are national ski mountaineering races, the 41st Transcavallo is for teams of 2 athletes meanwhile the Classic is individual.The environment is alpine and purely alpinistic. Both are OPEN races and therefore open to all foreign athletes. Hereinafter, the Organizing Committee will always be reposted as C.O.

Transcavallo is a stage ski tour race taking place in the Venetian and Friulian Pre-Alps. Specifically, it takes place in the Alpago mountains in the province of Belluno in the municipalities of Tambre and Chies d'Alpago, along with the Friuli Venezia Giulia part involving the province of Pordenone in Piancavallo in the municipality of Aviano. For the team race over 2 days, the development is about 35 km in total, over 8,000 m difference in altitude totalling 4,000 m D+. The 1st stage starts and finishes in Piancavallo (Pordenone), while the 2nd and final stage starts and finishes in the Col Indes area of Tambre (Belluno). For the individual race, the start and finish are the same as for the team race, which means at Col Indes di Tambre (Belluno). Official website is www.transcavallo.it, phone number +39 350 193 2852 and email info@transcavallo.it

Participation is reserved only for FISI members - for both the team competition and the individual classic - and for foreigner members of their own winter sport federation, anyway it’s necessary to have a good mountain experience and a great workout, as well as be familiar with similar competitions. Male, female and mix (male/female) teams will be admitted with the relative master category. For the team competition there is also the possibility to compete in a single stage and to be regularly in the ranking of the single stage in which you participated. Withdrawal or non-participation in the 1st stage does not prejudice participation in the 2nd stage and then regular inclusion in the FISI ranking of the latter, but obviously will not enter the final ranking drawn up by summing the times of both stages.

a) Registration requirements
Both M / F athletes of age belonging to Senior and Master categories with FISI membership for 2023/24 competitive season (or similar foreign federation) can join. The acceptance of registration is subject to the sending of the telematic module from internet FISI portal, by the Club’s President for which you are enrolled.
We won’t accept athletes who are serving suspensions for use of performance-enhancing drugs. The participation of teams mixed by gender is allowed; they will be put on separate standings.
Registration will open on Monday 04 December 2023 on http://www.transcavallo.it with the following fees:

b) How to apply
Registration for the 41stTranscavallo on Friday 16 and Saturday 17 February 2024 (possible make-up on Sunday 18 February) with technical and medical assistance, refreshments during the race and at the end of the race with lunch at the end of each stage, dedicated gadgets branded by Karpos, final prize-giving with a team price of €220.00 by Monday 22 January 2024 at 23.59 - from 23 January to 11 February the price will be €270.00 - Registration will close early when the 100th team will have regularly registered (registration and payment complete).

registration for the 4th Classic Individual Race on Saturday 17 February 2024 - with technical and medical assistance, refreshments during the race and at the end of the race with final lunch, final awards ceremony, Camp dedicated gadget, with a price of €65.00 by Monday 22 January 2024 at 11.59 p.m. - from 23 January to 11 February the price will be €80.00 - Registration will close early when the 120th athlete (men + women) regularly registered (registration and payment complete) is reached.
Please note that the maximum number of teams permitted is 100, comprising men's, women's and mixed teams. For the Classic the maximum number of athletes (male + female) is 120 with the same regulations.

Fore any info ask the C. O.: tel +39 350 193 2852 - mail: info@transcavallo.it for the technical part of the race only +39 347 258 8042.

 c) Payment
Pre-registrations can be done via the Internet at our site: www.transcavallo.it - payment by bank transfer:
Transcavallo Committee - BANCA PREALPI SANBIAGIO - Agenzia Belluno - Iban: IT 74 N 08904 11900 011000004295 - BIC : CCRTIT2TPRE - please indicate name and surname of both team members for the team event or the individual for the individual event

d) Change of team - Substitution - Refund of fee
It is permitted and free of charge until Monday 12 February 2024 to change an athlete only within a duly registered and paid-up team without any surcharge; it is not possible to replace the whole team however. It will also be possible to surrender one's participation in the Individual competition in the same manner and timing. Substitute athletes must be regularly registered with FISI or similar if foreign. The 50% of the fees will be paid back only to teams informing about of their race renunciation within and no later than Monday 05 January 2024, at 11.59pm. After that date no refund will be considered and accepted under any circumstances.

e) Interruption - Cancellation - Recovery

In the event of an interruption of the race, the validity of the classification recorded at the last recording on the course for both races will remain intact. The prize money will not be reduced in any way unless at least one stage is held for the 41st Transcavallo.
In case of bad weather the Individual race and the 2nd stage of the Transcavallo will be rescheduled on Sunday 18 February and any changes will be announced in advance by Thursday 15 February 2024.

In the event of early cancellation of the event due to health reasons or lack of snow, 90% of the entry fee will be reimbursed, with 10% retained for fixed costs incurred.

ART. 5 Telematic sending from F.I.S.I. portal
Won’t be accepted to race those who will not send, via the Club’s President or a representative, regular registration form on the official FISI portal, within the terms fixed by the FISI itself.

Bib collection and accreditation will take place as follows:

  • thursday 15 february from 4pm to 8pm to Tambre
  • friday 16 february from 7,30am to 8,30am to Piancavallo – only 4^ Classic Individual Race to Tambre at h 17 to 19,30
  • saturday 17 february only 4^ Classic Individual Race from 7 am to 8,15 am to Col Indes (Tambre)

The bib will be handed over on presentation of an identity document, which the athlete must carry with him or her during the race in order to be able to show it at any doping control.

The starting times are only indicative, what will be decided by the Jury in the pre-race will take precedence. For the 1st stage in Piancavallo (PN) on Friday 16th February around 9.00 a.m. while for the 2nd stage in Col Indes - Tambre (BL) on Saturday 17th around 8.15 a.m. - For the Classic Individual Race start around 8.45 a.m.

The routes can also be found on the event website HYPERLINK "http://www.transcavallo.it" www.transcavallo.it
The 1st stage has a length of approx. 15 km with a D+ of 1,700m and a total of 3,400m of altitude difference.
The 2nd stage has a length of 23 km with a D+ of 2,500m and a total of 5,000m of altitude difference.
The individual classic has a length of 14 km with a D+ of 1,500 m and a total of 3,000 m of altitude difference.
If, due to force majeure, there are route changes decided by the Jury, these will be communicated directly by the Race Director or the Route Director as soon as possible.
Competitors must strictly follow the race path properly marked with special signs (RTF FISI). The leaving of the official path, as well as involving the disqualification from the order of arrival, will be at the sole risk and danger of the competitor.

On the way there will be members of the organization in continuous contact with the base. Ambulance with paramedics will stay at the start/arrival and will be present also a race doctor. There will be also checkpoints and Artva functionalities, with members of the organization who will report directly to the race judges any anomaly or mistake.

Competitors’ behavior should respect the mountain environment; absolutely avoiding throwing waste. Everyone who will be caught to abandon waste along the way will be penalized as per the regulations and will also incur penalties provided by our municipal or regional regulation.

In case of significant weather phenomena (fog, heavy snow, sudden change in temperature), the organization reserves the right to change the route, even during the last minutes or during the competition, in order to eliminate potential hazards (avalanches) or conditions of great discomfort for the participants. Any change will be communicated to participants and reported to the operators. The organization also reserves the right to suspend or cancel the race if the weather conditions endanger the safety of participants, volunteers and rescuers.

It is mandatory to bring with you, during the whole race, the material according to regulations printed on the FISI website www.transcavallo.it and communicated during the technical briefing.

As per 2023-2024 FISI Regulation.

Possible course gates may be decided and communicated at the technical briefing by the Jury on the basis of the weather forecasts and the safety of athletes and organisers on the race course. A “pick up service” however will go along the route, following the last team to assure assistance to any injured person.
In case of withdrawal, the team should report it to the staff in the nearest tees and bib number must be removed but held by athletes.

In addition to the refreshments at the end of the race for each stage, one or more may be set up on the race route, this will be indicated in the pre-race briefing. Athletes must in any case be completely self-sufficient in food and water.

Expenses refunds as on website www.transcavallo.it . Prizes will be awarded to the top 10 men's teams and the top 5 women's teams with total prize money of around €15,000, and there will also be prizes from sponsors of a further €5,000. In addition, the entire podium of Master category (both with year of birth 1977 and earlier) and mixed teams will be awarded with materials offered by the partner companies of Transcavallo 2024. There is no prize money in the Classic Individual Race.

By their registration, participants authorize the organization to freely use images, both still and in movement, representing them during the participation to the 41st Transcavallo and to the 4th Classic Individual race.

In accordance with CONI regulations, checks are expected and possible during the race. Therefore, athletes should always have with them a valid identity document (at the starting, at the arrival, before and after the race).

By registering for the event, you accept the provisions of these competition regulations in full.

The Organizing Committee